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Telefónica and the ETSIT-UPM organise the meeting ¿Starting in the digital World¿


Telefónica and the ETSIT-UPM organise their V concerted meeting: “Starting in the digital World.” It will be hold the next Wednesday, 6th November, from 10:00 to 19:00, at the Assembly room of the López Araujo Building of the ETSIT. This meeting is aimed to be a discussion forum between the enterprises and the university world on the implications of starting in the digital World.

The meeting will be opened by D. José Manuel Páez, Vice Chancellor of the UPM; D. Félix Pérez, Director of the ETSIT-UPM; D. José María Hernando, Director of the Telefónica-ETSIT-UPM Chair; and D. Alberto Andreu, Telefónica Corporate Reputation, Institutional Relations and Social Innovation Director. D. Javier Santiso, Telefónica Global Affairs & new Ventures Director, will be at charge of the opening lecture that has been named: “Spain 3.0: The enterprising ecosystem of Spain.”

And it will be ended by D. Carlos Conde, Chancellor of the UPM; Dª. Sofía Fernández de Messa, Telefónica Director of Corporate Responsibility and Reputation; D. Félix Pérez, Director of the ETSIT-UPM and D. Juan Quemada, Director of the Internet new Generation Chair.

The online debate accompanying the meeting will be opened in www.RConversa.com from 30th October to 13th November.

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Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es