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Inauguration of UAM's National Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity (CNEC)

Foto Inauguración CNEC

UAM and S21sec will train Spanish National Security Forces in cybersecurity

On April 23, 2013, the National Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity (CNEC) was inaugurated at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid by Mr. Francisco Martínez Vázquez (Secretary of State in Security), Don José María Sanz (UAM Rector), Álvaro Ortigosa Juárez (EPS-UAM Professor and Director of the CNEC), Manuel de Juan Espinosa (Director of UAM's Institute of Forensic and Security Sciences (ICFS)) and Juan Antonio Gómez Bule (President S21sec Advising Board).

CNEC aims to research, train and develop projects in cybersecurity and cyberintelligence to fight against cybercrime. It's a project supported by the European Commission through the ISEC programme (Prevention of and Fight against Crime). Centers such as CNEC will represent an important meeting point between companies, academy and official organisms and will provide more cooperation.

To make this process easier, CNEC will be integrated in the European Network of Centers of Excellence in Cybersecurity, making sure there is a greater coordination between Member States, sharing efforts and resources. In the line of what Álvaro Ortigosa, EPS-UAM Professor and Director of the CNEC, said, “it is important to remember that cybercrime does not respect borders, so one of the main objectives of CNEC is to integrate Spain within the rest of Europe to share good practices, knowledge and tools”.

For further information you may contact:

Mireia Casanovas
National Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity (CNEC)
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Tlf. 91 497 3051

Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es