Cátedra UAM/IBM is organizing the Second Symposium of Students, Researchers and Professionals of Supercomputing. In this occasion, "Cognitive Computing Science" will be the central theme of the Symposium.
Jaime Moreno and Brian Gaucher, two renowned scientists from the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, will be speaking at the Conference and will present the latest advances in cognitive computing.
José Mª Peña, head of the supercomputing center CeSVima, will participate as well and will talk about his collaboration on the Human Brain Project (HBP) funded by the European Union and that aims to stimulate the human brain using supercomputers in order to attain a better understanding of how it works.
The conference will take place on Tuesday, November 18 in the Sala de Grados ( of the Edificio C (Building C), from 9:30 to 13:45.
In order to attend the Symposium you need to registrate in: www.catedrauamibm.com/p/ii-jornada-catedra-uamibm-computacion.html
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