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Personal Docente e Investigador

Zagórski Piotr

Zagórski, Piotr

Investigador Post-doctoral Margarita Salas
Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales
Academic Area:
Ciencia Política
Despacho nº 7
Resume CV

Piotr Zagórski es Profesor Asociado en el Departamento de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). También es investigador postdoctoral en el Center for the Study of Democracy, SWPS University en Varsovia, así como en el Colegio Profesional de Politólogos y Sociólogos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Es doctor en Ciencia Política por la UAM. Sus principales líneas de investigación giran en torno al comportamiento político, sobre todo a los legados del pasado en la participación electoral, así como al voto a partidos populistas en Europa. Es miembro del Grupo de Investigación sobre Élites y Actores Políticos y del Grupo de Investigación sobre Democracia, Participación y Gobierno. Ha participado en dos proyectos H2020: RePast (investigando cómo las sociedades europeas lidian con su pasado problemático) y MICADO (facilitando el intercambio entre diferentes actores involucrados en los procesos de integración de los migrantes y facilitando el acceso de los migrantes a los servicios sociales a través de una solución digital). Ha publicado, entre otros, en Government and Opposition, Politics, Europe-Asia Studies y East European Politics and Societies.


Piotr Zagórski is Adjunct Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). He is also a researcher at the Center for the Study of Democracy, SWPS University in Warsaw and at the Professional Association of Political Scientists and Sociologists in Madrid. He holds a PhD degree in Political Science from the UAM. His research interests lie in the field of electoral behaviour, with a focus on the impact of historical legacies on electoral turnout and the reasons behind the vote for European populist parties. He is a member of the Research Group on Elites and Political Actors and Research Group on Democracy, Participation and Government. He has also been involved in two H2020 research projects: RePast (investigating how European societies deal with their troubled pasts) and MICADO (facilitating exchange between different stakeholders involved in migrant integration processes and easing migrants’ access to social services through a digital solution). He has published, among others, in Government and Opposition, Politics, Europe-Asia Studies, and East European Politics and Societies.



Líneas de investigación

Comportamiento político / Political behaviour

Participación electoral / Electoral turnout

Política comparada / Comparative politics



Subjects taught


Actores Políticos y Acción Colectiva – Grado en Filosofía, Política y Economía (UAB, UAM, UPF, UC3M); docencia en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la UAM / Political Actors and Collective Action at the Philosophy, Politics and Economy joint degree by UAB, UAM, UPF and UC3M (course delivered at the Faculty of Economics, UAM).


Peer-reviewed articles

Zagórski, P. 2021. Electoral Turnout in Central and Eastern Europe: The Heterogeneity of the Effects of the Legacies of Communist Socialization. Europe-Asia Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2021.1991892.

Cordero, G., Zagórski, P., and Rama, J. 2021. Give Me Your Least Educated. Immigration, Education and Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Political Studies Review, doi: 10.1177/14789299211029110.

Rama, J., Cordero, G., and Zagórski, P. 2021. Three’s a Crowd? Podemos, Ciudadanos and Vox: The End of Bipartisanship in Spain. Frontiers in Political Science, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpos.2021.688130.

Zagórski, P., Rama, J., and Cordero, G. 2021. Young and Temporary: Youth Employment Insecurity and Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties in Europe. Government and Opposition, 56(3): 405–426. https://doi.org/10.1017/gov.2019.28.  

Zagórski, P., and Santana, A. 2021. Exit or Voice: Abstention and Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe. Problems of Post-Communism.  68(4): 264-278, DOI: 10.1080/10758216.2021.1903330.

Zagórski, P. 2021. Too much to choose from? The long-term effects of political fragmentation on electoral turnout. Politics. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263395720971210. 

Zagórski, P., and Markowski, R. 2021. Persistent Legacies of the Empires: Partition of Poland and Electoral Turnout. East European Politics and Societies, 35(2): 336–362 https://doi.org/10.1177/0888325420907678.

Santana, A., Zagórski, P., and Rama, J. 2020. At odds with Europe: explaining populist radical right voting in Central and Eastern Europe. East European Politics, 36(2): 288-309 https://doi.org/10.1080/21599165.2020.1737523.

Navarro C., Velasco F., and Zagórski, P. 2019. Cuarenta años de elecciones municipales: el sistema electoral y su rendimiento. Anuario de Derecho Municipal 2018 (12): 23-49. http://www.idluam.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ESTUDIO_INTROD_ANUARIO_2018.pdf.


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