Elena Buñuel Magdalena received her PhD in Organic Chemistry at the Universidad de Zaragoza under the supervision of Prof. C. Cativiela and Dr. M. D. Díaz de Villegas. After a postdoctoral stay at the Dyson Perrins Laboratory (University of Oxford-UK) with Prof. S. G. Davies, she joined the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Universidad de Zaragoza as a Postdoctoral Researcher to work on asymmetric synthesis of amino acids. In 2001, she moved to the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, as an Assistant Professor, to perform computational studies in collaboration with Prof. A. Echavarren. In 2004 she participated, with Prof. D. J. Cárdenas Morales, in the creation of the research group "Organometal/ic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis" of the Department of Organic Chemistry (UAM). In 2008, she got the position as an Associate Professor at this University. Her research interests are the development of new synthetic methods based on the organometallic chemistry of transition meta Is, and the experimental and computational study of metal-catalyzed reaction mechanisms.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información y Conserjería: 91 497 43 31 E-mail: informacion.ciencias@uam.es Gestión de estudiantes de Grado y Posgrado: 91 497 8264 / 4329 / 4353 / 4349 / 6879 / 8362 E-mail: administracion.ciencias@uam.es