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Facultad de CienciasFacultad de Ciencias

HEADLINES: Higher education accelerating directed learning in nurturing entrepreneurship


This project will incrementally improve the degree to which entrepreneurship is included within the core ecosystems of partner universities. All resources in universities will be focused on accelerating directed learning in nurturing entrepreneurship. In this way, the consortium universities will become regional engines of growth, contributing to education, leadership, knowledge and innovative thinking. All project partners are deeply involved in developing and promoting entrepreneurial activity. This project offers the opportunity to work together on sharing research, background experiences, and good practices as well as on developing new shared knowledge and policies on embedding entrepreneurship deeply into the educational system. These activities will focus on entrepreneurship and innovation for the food and healthcare sectors, as university partners have regional strengths in them. Despite this initial focus, as the project develops, it is envisaged that the lessons learned and good practices recognised will be easily transferable to other sectors. In the knowledge triangle model, universities contribute to education and research in close partnership with the productive sector. When it comes to education, the project takes into account the motivation of students. It includes specific training on entrepreneurship that provides students with skills to develop innovative businesses or, at least, skills that benefit their employability, while introducing the need for innovation in companies.

Other actions proposed will boost the transfer of technology from research, so that researchers can collaborate in the creation of startups based on this technology. The project has a strong connection with a wide range of knowledge triangle stakeholders in each region and across regions. To help develop innovative businesses with entrepreneurial spirit, the project proposes to base student and university staff training on the collaboration with industry and other stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem. In this way, real needs will be met by entrepreneurs proposing solutions and possible innovative businesses. Adequate training in entrepreneurship, mentoring with industries, continued support of universities, and possible provision of services from stakeholders in the initial stages of the start-ups will increase their success, contributing to industrial competitiveness. In addition, networking with a greater critical mass of initiatives and entrepreneurs will facilitate matching, while increasing the market for possible business generated.

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Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información y Conserjería: 91 497 43 31 E-mail:
Gestión de estudiantes de Grado y Posgrado: 91 497 8264 / 4329 / 4353 / 4349 / 6879 / 8362 E-mail: