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End-of-Degree Project

The End-of-Degree Project is a compulsory subject from the Undergraduate studies at the Science Faculty of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The End-of-Degree Project is an individual study carried out under director supervision. The student uses its knowledge and skills for solving any specific problem related with degree contents and professional activities for which is qualified. The End-of-Degree Project elaboration requires using the knowledge acquired during the degree, its presentation and defense, assuming it as an essential requirement for obtaining the degree.

In this section you will find information concerning subjects teaching guides, themes offer for End-of-Degree Project, allocation procedures, etc.

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información y Conserjería: 91 497 43 31 E-mail:  informacion.ciencias@uam.es
Gestión de estudiantes de Grado y Posgrado: 91 497 8264 / 4329 / 4353 / 4349 / 6879 / 8362 E-mail:  administracion.ciencias@uam.es

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