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Departamento de Física Aplicada

Seminario: "Magnetic equation of state for a description of nanosystems. Ultrafast laser-induced demagnetization in nanosized magnetic materials”

Organized by
Departamento de Física Aplicada
Dr hab. Eng. Krzysztof Warda. University of Lodz, Solid State Physics Department
Desde el 19-11-2019 hasta el 20-11-2018
Sala de Seminarios, Dep. de Física Aplicada (Mód. 12) Facultad de Ciencias. UAM

Magnetic Equation of state for the systems with the reduced dimensions is presented. Particularly, the magnetic properties of the systems with confined dimensions such as 0D structure, 1D wires, thin films, multilayers, [1-2] and nanoparticles are presented. An influence of the shape and size effects on the physical properties of nanosystems in the case of the systems of nanoparticles is discussed. The experimental results of laser induced demagnetization in the case magnetic materials are shown. Based on the magnetic state equation for structures with reduced dimensions, a model of very fast laser demagnetization for a thin magnetic layer is presented. Model parameters depend on the size of the considered system.

1 K.Warda, J. Phys. Cond. Matter 21, No 34, 345301 (2009).
2 K. Warda, L. Wojtczak, Acta Physica Polonica A, 131, 878-880 (2017)

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