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Personal Docente e Investigador (P.D.I.)

López Rayo Sandra

López Rayo, Sandra

Profesora Contratada Doctora
Área de conocimiento:
Edafología y Química Agrícola
Módulo 10-101-1
91 497 3459
Resumen curriculum vitae

Doctor Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2012 from the University Autonoma of Madrid (UAM) and Assistant Professor since 2017 at the UAM at the Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science. After my Ph.D. I conducted my research abroad at the University of Bologna (Italy) from 2012 to 2013, and at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) from 2013 to 2017, interrupted with a postdoc at UAM. This has been made possible by obtaining 13 competitive grants and contracts, including an FPU and a Marie Curie EF.

My research activity has been focused on the study of new micronutrient fertilizers, and more recently, new biostimulants and biofertilizers, conducting studies under several conditions, from chemical characterization in the lab to evaluation in the field by my participation in 11 public financed projects (two as PI, including a Marie Curie EF, and one as co-PI), 15 projects of public-company collaborations. I have collaborated with other research groups as the University of Seville and the University of Bologna, the hosts of my two pre-doctoral periods (7 months), and a postdoctoral one-year period, the University of Huelva, the University Complutense of Madrid, the University of Cantabria, the University of Tubingen (Germany), and the University of Navarra. My research has produced two patents, the publication of 29 papers (including 13 first authorships) in international journals ranked among the top journals in the ISI categories Agriculture and Soil Science, 17 refereed book chapters and full-length symposium papers, 5 articles in specialized Agronomical and Phytosanitary magazines, 3 articles in electronic media as well as communications outreach in 25 international and 8 national conferences related to plant nutrition and fertilization (including five as invited speaker).

My h-index is 11 and my publications have 359 total citations. I have two “sexenios de investigación”, one “quinquenio de docencia” and the I3 accreditation.  I was granted a prize as a young researcher in 2017. I have co-supervised one Ph.D. thesis and three are in development. I have supervised 24 final BSc and 16 MSc projects (UAM and UNIBO) and contributed to the formation of many other students within my research groups. I have participated as a technical reviewer in public and private Projects, and reviewer of scientific publication peer pairs.

(Actualizado Enero 2023)


Grupos de Investigación

Grupo de Micronutrientes en Agricultura (MICRONUTRIR). 

Acceso a información del grupo de investigación.


Proyectos en curso:

12/2022-11/2024 Valorización de las algas acumuladas en las orillas del Mar Menor como resultado de su eutrofización - Valorisation of the algae accumulated on Mar Menor shores as a result of its eutrophication (Algarikon). TED2021-129591B-C32. Financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (230 000 euros) Co-IP del proyecto.


11/2022-10/2025 LIGNOEFICIEN-P: Una valorización innovadora de ligninas kraft en fertilizantes y bioestimulantes sostenibles basados en economía circular. CPP2021-008409. Financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto de colaboración púbico privada (total: 833 819,80 euros; UAM: 230 032,50 euros). Co-IP del proyecto.


07/2022-06/2025 Uso de una nueva molécula natural y orgánica, con capacidad de inhibir la actividad ureasa, en fertilizantes organominerales (ORGAMIN-PLUS). CPP2021-008323. Financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto de colaboración púbico privada (total: 1 257 529,36 euros; UAM: 214812,55 euros).


Últimas publicaciones:

López-Rayo, S., Valverde, S., Lucena J.J. 2023. [S,S]-EDDS Ligand as a Soil Solubilizer of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu to Improve Plant Nutrition in Deficient Soils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 71, 25, 9728–9737.

Valverde, S., Arcas, A., López-Rayo, S., Lucena, J. 2022. Enantioselective Separation of a Novel Iron Chelate Prototype with Potential Use as Fertilizer by HPLC-DAD. ACS Agric. Sci. Technol. doi: 10.1021/acsagscitech.2c00133.

Valverde, S., Arcas, A., López-Rayo, S., Lucena, J. 2021. Fast determination of a novel iron chelate prototype used as fertiliser by liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detector. J. Agric. Food Chem. 69, 51, 15746-15754. IF (JCR): 5.28, Q1.

Islas-Valdez, S., López-Rayo, S., Lucena, J.J. 2021. Implications of the Mn:ligand ratio for Mn uptake by Glycine max L. plants fertilized with heptagluconate and gluconate complexes. J Sci Food Agric 2021, 101: 4662-4671. IF (JCR): 3.64, Q1.

Islas-Valdez, S., López-Rayo, S., Hristov-Emilov, H., Hernández-Apaolaza, L. Lucena, J.J. 2020. Assessing metal–lignosulfonates as fertilizers using gel filtration chromatography and high-performance size exclusion chromatography.  J Sci Food Agric 2020; 100: 1106–1117. IF (JCR): 6.95, Q1.

Ferreira, C., López-Rayo, S., Lucena, J.J., Soares, E., Soares, H. 2019. Evaluation of the efficacy of two freeze-dried iron fertilizers, of biological origin, for correcting iron chlorosis of soybean plants grown in calcareous soils. Frontiers Plant Sci. 10, 1335. IF (JCR): 4.402, Q1.

López-Rayo, S., Sanchis-Pérez, I., Ferreira, C.M.H., Lucena, J.J. 2019. [S,S]-EDDS/Fe: A new chelate for the environmentally sustainable correction of iron chlorosis in calcareous soil. Sci. Total Environ. 647, 10, 1508-1517. IF (JCR): 6.551, Q1.

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