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Máster Universitario en Energías y Combustibles para el Futuro

Hydrogen-related activities at the Hereon Research Center

Sala de Seminarios del Departamento de Física de Materiales (01.04.SS.500), Módulo 4, 5ª planta, Facultad de Ciencias

UAM Facultad de Ciencias, Sala de Seminarios del Departamento de Física de Materiales (01.04.SS.500), Módulo 4, 5ª planta, Facultad de Ciencias


Hereon is a multidisciplinary research center in which hydrogen storage and usage has been investigated for decades. The present topics are storage in metallic hydrides especially AB and AB2 types), as well as their use in hydrogen compression. Further topics are tank design, system integration, FEM and system simulation and scale-up of storage system. The latest project in the latter was HyCARE, for which a 20-foot container was filled with ~ 4 tons of TiFe-based hydride coupled with a PCM for thermal management. The results of this project will be briefly presented

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