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Personal Docente e Investigador (P.D.I.)

Moreno Jiménez, Eduardo

Departamento de Química Agrícola y Bromatología
Academic Area:
Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry
Module 10, Room 411, Sciences Building
Curriculum vitaeResume CV

I am an environmental scientist aiming to understand the biogeochemistry of trace elements in terrestrial environments, the role of soils on environmental sustainability of contaminated sites and the interface soil-plant. During my Ph.D. I was studying phytoremediation of contaminated mine soils, arsenic more in detail but looking also at metals such as Cd, Cu, Hg or Zn. During my research visits in Liverpool I learnt techniques to sample and analyze mobile fractions of inorganic pollutants (pore water, specific sequential extractions) and to stabilize pollutants with organic amendments (green waste compost and biochar), while in Aberdeen I studied the complex biogeochemical cycle of As in the environment (mobilization, speciation and volatilization) in Aberdeen. For my postdoctoral research at KU Leuven, I used diffusive gradients in thin films technique (DGT) to assess soluble As species and isotopic techniques to map P solubility in rhizosphere. Back to Madrid, I returned to phytoremediation of mine soils, but also with broad interests in biogechemical cycle of As species, biochar as soil amendment, metals in urban allotments, safe production of rice and rhizosphere processes (mainly interacting with trace elements). Currently my research moved to understand also the role of metals in global drylands. My main international collaborators are Luke Beesley (James Hutton Inst), Andrew Meharg and Paul Williams (Queen’s Univ Belfast), Markus Puschenreiter (BOKU) and Tom Sizmur (Univ Reading), and the Spanish collaborators Rafael Clemente (CEBAS-CSIC), Fernando Maestre (URJC) and César Plaza (ICA-CSIC).


Areas of specialization

Environmental and Soil Chemistry

Environmental Restoration

Sustainable Agriculture


Mitigating arsenic uptake in irrigated rice through water management: mechanisms in the rhizosphere. FWO, 2011-2012.

Valor añadido del uso de plantas en la inmovilización de elementos traza en el suelo: cultivos bio-energéticos y seguridad alimentaria (VALIN). MINECO, 2014-2017. Eduardo Moreno PI.

Applications of modified biochars for agro-environmental management. UAM-Santander, 2017-2018. Eduardo Moreno PI.

Availability of metals in dry soils and ecosystem functioning. BBVA Foundation. 2018-2019. Eduardo Moreno Jiménez PI.

Lines of research

Metals in Plants


Climate Change

Soil Health

Sustainable Agriculture


Subjects taught


Software tools in chemistry

Chemical Experimentation

Plant-based Food

Agri-environmental Consultancy

Sustainable Cropping

Tutorial schedule

9.00-17.00 previous email contact


E Moreno Jiménez, S Aceña-Heras, Vladimír Fristák, Stefanie Heinze, Bernd Marschner. 2018. The effect of biochar amendments on phenanthrene sorption, desorption and mineralisation in different soils. PeerJ, 6, e5074.

E Nitsch, AL Lamb, THE Heaton, P Vaiglova, B Fraser, G Hartman, E Moreno-Jiménez, A Piñeiro, D Abades, A Fairbairn, J Eriksen, A Bogaard. 2018. Preservation and interpretation of  δ34S values in charred archeobotanical remains. Archaeometry, in press.

T Fresno, E Moreno-Jiménez, P Zornoza, JM Peñalosa. 2018. Aided phytostabilisation of As- and Cu-contaminated soils using white lupin and combined iron and organic amendments. Journal of Environmental Management, 205, 142-150.

T Sizmur, T Fresno, G Akgül, H Frost, E Moreno-Jiménez. 2017. Biochar modification to enhance sorption of inorganics from water. Bioresource Technology 246, 34-47.

T Fresno, JM Peñalosa, J Santner, M Puschenreiter, E Moreno-Jiménez. 2017. Effect of Lupinus albus L. root activities on As and Cu mobility after addition of iron-based soil amendments. Chemosphere 182, 373–381.

B Micháleková-Richveisová, V Frišták, M Pipíška, L Ďuriška, E Moreno-Jimenez, G Soja. 2017. Iron-impregnated biochars as effective phosphate sorption materials. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 14, 521–530.

V Frišták, B Micháleková-Richveisová, E Víglašová, L Ďuriška, M Galamboš, E Moreno-Jimenéz, M Pipíška, G Soja. 2017. Sorption separation of Eu and As from single-component systems by Fe-modified biochar: kinetic and equilibrium study. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 24, 463–475.

E Moreno-Jiménez, R Sepúlveda, E Esteban, L Beesley. 2017. Efficiency of organic and mineral based amendments to reduce metal[loid]mobility and uptake (Lolium perenne) from a pyrite-waste contaminated soil. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 174,46–52.

T Fresno, E Moreno-Jiménez, JM Peñalosa. 2016. Assessing the combination of iron sulfate and organic materials as amendment for an arsenic and copper contaminated soil. A chemical and ecotoxicological approach. Chemosphere 165, 539-546.

LC Mollon, GJ Norton, L Trakal, E Moreno-Jimenez, FZ Elouali, RL Hough, L Beesley. 2016. Mobility and toxicity of heavy metal(loid)s arising from contaminated wood ash application to a pasture grassland soil. Environmental Pollution, 218, 419-427.

T Fresno, JM Peñalosa, J Santner, M Puschenreiter, T Prohaska, E Moreno-Jiménez. 2016. Iron plaque formed under aerobic conditions efficiently immobilizes arsenic in Lupinus albus L roots. Environmental Pollution 216, 215-222.

AJ Signes-Pastor, M Carey, AA Carbonell-Barrachina, E Moreno-Jiménez, AJ Green, AA Meharg. 2016. Geographical variation in inorganic arsenic in paddy field samples and commercial rice from the Iberian Peninsula. Food Chemistry 202, 356-363.

M Flagmeier, PM Hollingsworth, DR Genney, DG Long, J,Muñoz, E Moreno-Jiménez, SJ Woodin. 2016. Transplanting the leafy liverwort Herbertus hutchinsiae: a suitable conservation tool to maintain oceanic-montane liverwort-rich heath? Plant Ecology and Diversity 9, 175-186.

E Moreno-Jiménez, JM Fernández, M Puschenreiter, PN Williams, C Plaza. 2016. Availability and transfer to grain of As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in a barley agri-system: Impact of biochar, organic and mineral fertilizers. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environments 219, 171-178.

M Rosende, L Beesley, E Moreno-Jiménez, M Miró. 2016. Automatic flow-through dynamic extraction: A fast tool to evaluate char-based remediation of multi-element contaminated mine soils. Talanta 148, 686-693.

M Sheikh-Assadi, A Khandan-Mirkohi, A Alemardan, E Moreno-Jiménez. 2015. Mycorrhizal Limonium Sinuatum (l.) Mill. Enhances Accumulation of Lead and Cadmium. International Journal of Phytoremediation 17, 556-562.

A Brennan, E Moreno-Jiménez, JA Alburquerque, CW Knapp, C Switzer. 2014. Effects of biochar and activated carbon amendment on maize growth and the uptake and measured availability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and potentially toxic elements (PTEs). Environmental Pollution 193, 79-87.

E Moreno-Jiménez, AA Meharg, E Smolders, R Manzano, D Becerra, J Sánchez-Llerena, A Albarrán, A López Piñero. 2014. Sprinkler irrigation of rice fields reduces grain arsenic but enhances cadmium. Science of The Total Environment 485, 468-473.

A Brennan, E Moreno-Jiménez, M. Puschenreiter, JA Alburquerque, C Switzer. Biochar application to a Cu- and As-contaminated soil changes maize root architecture and reduces contaminant mobility. Plant and Soil 379, 351-360.

L Beesley, OS Inneh, GJ Norton, E Moreno-Jiménez, T Pardo, R Clemente, JJC Dawson. 2014. Assessing the influence of compost and biochar amendments on the mobility and toxicity of metals and arsenic in a naturally contaminated mine soil. Environmental Pollution 186, 195-202.

E Moreno-Jiménez, H Gimeno, R Gamarra, E Esteban. 2014. Evidence of a new Hg-tolerant ecotype of Rumex induratus from Almadén (Ciudad Real, Spain). Plant Biosystems 148, 58-63.

A. Pérez-Sanz, S. Vázquez, M.C. Lobo, E. Moreno-Jiménez, P. García, R.O. Carpena. 2013. Soil Factors Controlling Arsenic Availability for Silene vulgaris. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 44:2152-2167.

Y. Tapia, O. Díaz, C. Pizarro, R. Segura, M. Vines, G. Zúñiga, E. Moreno-Jiménez. 2013. Atriplex atacamensis and Atriplex halimus resist As contamination in Pre-Andean soils (northern Chile). Science of the Total Environment 450:188-196.

E Moreno-Jiménez, L Six, PN Williams, E Smolders. 2013. Inorganic species of arsenic in soil solution determined by microcartridges and ferrihydrite-based diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT). Talanta 104:83-89.

E Moreno Jiménez, R Clemente, A Mestrot, AA Meharg. 2013. Arsenic and selenium mobilisation from organic matter treated mine spoil with and without inorganic fertilization. Environmental Pollution 173:238-244.

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