According to R.D. 1393/2007 (later on modified by the RD 43/2015) that establishes the Spanish Framework for Higher Education whithin EHEA (European Higher Education Area) , universities submit a “VERIFICATION report ” for every Study Programme leading to an official degree they aim to implement. Verification reports must be approved by ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation) and by the Spanish Council of Universities and finally authorized by the correspondent Autonomous Community. Once implemented, universities may propose amendments to the Study Programme, which are recorded in a modification report subject to the same approval procedures as the verification report. All these documentation is registered in the Registry of University Centres and Degrees (RUCT) and the degree structure is published in the State Official Bulletin (BOE).
This section includes links to the relevant documents (see below):
Degree Structure (BOE):
Memoria de Verificación:
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información y Conserjería: 91 497 43 31 E-mail: Gestión de estudiantes de Grado y Posgrado: 91 497 8264 / 4329 / 4353 / 4349 / 6879 / 8362 E-mail: