Ponente: Paulo Gonçalves, investigador de la Universidad Federal de Alagoas
Título: Does the traditional wood collection jeopardize biodiversity in dry forests?
Día: Viernes 6 de mayo de 2022, 12:00, Aula 13 del Edificio de Biología (se podrá seguir también por Teams en éste enlace).
Since traditional people collect plant species for wood uses guided by preference criteria (such as long-burning flames or high termites resistance), this collection may affect tree biodiversity in the long run. I and my collaborators have studied the wood collection (for firewood and construction) in six rural communities in a dry tropical forest in Northeast Brazil. Also, we sampled tree communities along this landscape to access if the wood collection affects the biodiversity. We have found that local people collect firewood from the most common plant species, but they are more selective during the choice of species for construction. In general, the low-scale wood collection did not affect most of the diversity metrics but seemed to increase community evenness and reduce the total tree abundance. We hypothesize that the current tree community is dominated by species having a high resprout ability. Nevertheless, the overcollection of some species for construction may affect their populations. Therefore, ecological restoration strategies should prioritize the species most used for construction.
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