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Facultad de CienciasFacultad de Ciencias

Cinacchi, Giorgio

Profesor Contratado Doctor
Módulo 5, Despacho 512, 5ª planta
+34 91 497 6521
+34 91 497 4950
Resumen curriculum vitae

Biographical Info

  • 2011-present: Ramon y Cajal research fellowship.
  • 2008-2010: European Union Marie Curie individual research fellowship, the hosting institution being the University of Bristol, UK.
  • 2008: “Vincenzo Caglioti” Prize from the Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, Italy.
  • 2004: PhD degree from the SNS.
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships at the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) di Pisa.


Áreas de especialización


Grupos de Investigación




Lineas de investigación

Theory and numerical simulation of soft matter systems. Current interest is in:

  • Phase behavior and properties of model colloidal particles having a concave shape: lens- and bowl-like particles and helical particles.
  • In silico design of semi-conductive columnar discotic liquid crystals.


Asignaturas impartidas


Horario de tutorías



Relevant/Recent Publications

  1. Hima Bindu Kolli, Elisa Frezza, Giorgio Cinacchi, Alberta Ferrarini, Achille Giacometti, Toby Scott Hudson, From rods to helices: evidence of a screw-like  nematic phase,  Journal of Chemical Physics Communication, in press (2014). [URL]
  2. Giorgio Cinacchi, Phase behavior of hard spherical caps, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 139, 124908 (2013). [URL]
  3. Giorgio Cinacchi, Jeroen S. van Duijneveldt, Phase behavior of contact lens like particles: entropy driven competition between isotropic-nematic separation and clustering, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters vol. 1, 787–791 (2010). [URL]
  4. Giorgio Cinacchi, Luca De Gaetani, Two step mechanism of rotational relaxation in layered phases of rods: accelerating effect of the addition of spheres, Physical Review Letters vol. 103, 257801 (2009). [URL]
  5. Giorgio Celebre, Giorgio Cinacchi, Giuseppina De Luca, Solvent smectic order parameters from solute nematic order parameters, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 129, 094509 (2008). [URL]
  6. Giorgio Cinacchi, Giovanni La Penna, Angelo Perico, Anisotropic internucleosome interactions and geometrical constraints in the organization of chromatin, Macromolecules, vol. 40, 9603-9613 (2007). [URL]
  7. Giorgio Cinacchi, Valentina Domenici, Orientational ordering of a banana–shaped solute molecule in a nematic calamitic solvent by 2H-NMR spectroscopy: an indication of glasslike behavior, Physical Review E, vol. 74, 030701(R) (2006). [URL]
  8. Giorgio Cinacchi, Luis Mederos, Enrique Velasco, Liquid-Crystal phase diagrams of binary mixtures of hard spherocylinders, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 121, 3854-3863 (2004). [URL]
  9. Giorgio Cinacchi, Renato Colle, Alessandro Tani, Atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of hexakis- pentyloxy- triphenylene: structure and translational dynamics of its columnar state, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 108, 7969-7977 (2004). [URL]
  10. Giorgio Cinacchi, Friederike Schmid, Density functional for anisotropic fluids, Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter, vol. 14,  12223-12234 (2002). [URL]

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Experiencia profesional


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