Lineas de investigaciónMy current scientific interest includes the preparation and characterization of artificial multifunctional magnetic (inorganic and organic) nanostructures, as well as the development of novel instrumentation. Particular attention is devoted to studies on quasi-static and dynamic magnetization reversal processes and magnetoresitive responses, including unique element-selective synchrotron radiation experiments.
My goal is to acquire a better understanding of the fundamental properties that are important in novel multifunctional magnetic-based nanostructures for applications with high technological, economic, and social impacts: from solving fundamental challenges for highly reliable efficient transport and electric applications (permanent magnets), to boosting the efficiency of spin(orbit)ronic devices for sensing and advanced information technologies, including neuromorphic computing, as well as to provide better and more effective therapeutic and diagnostic tools for novel nanotechnology-based medical applications, with great relevant in infection, oncology and neurology diseases.
- Photoactivated Nanoscale Temperature Gradient Detection Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy as a Direct Nanothermometry Method. Ana Espinosa, et al., Nano Letters 21 (1), 769-777 (2021). [URL]
- Effective control of the magnetic anisotropy in ferromagnetic MnBi micro-islands. Melek Villanueva, et al., J. Alloys Compd. 852, 156731 (2021). [URL]
- Intrinsic mixed Bloch-Néel character and chirality of skyrmions in asymmetric epitaxial trilayer.P. Olleros-Rodríguez, et al. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 22, 25419 (2020). [URL]
- Interfacing Neurons with Nanostructured Electrodes Modulates Synaptic Circuit Features, A. Domínguez‐Bajo, et al. Adv. Biosystems, 4 9, 2000117 (2020). [URL]
- Thermally Activated Processes for Ferromagnet Intercalation in Graphene-Heavy Metal Interfaces, Fernando Ajejas, et al. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 3 (2019). [URL]
- Evidence of anomalous switching of the in-plane magnetic easy axis with temperature in Fe3O4 films, J. L. F. Cuñado, et al., Nanoscale 11 (42), 19870-19876 (2019). [URL]
- Spontaneous exchange bias formation driven by a structural phase transition in the antiferromagnetic material A. Migliorini, et al., Nature Materials 17, 28-35 (2018). [URL]
- Unraveling Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and chiral nature of Graphene/Cobalt interface. Fernando Ajejas, et al Nano Letters 18, 5364–5372 (2018). [URL]
- Engineering Large Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Half-Metallic Manganite Films at Room Temperature. Paolo Perna, et al, Adv. Funct. Mater. 27, 1700664 (2017). [URL]
- Emergence of the Stoner-Wohlfarth astroid in thin films at dynamic regime, J. L. F. Cuñado, et al. Nature: Scientific Reports 7, 13474 (2017). [URL]
Otra información de interésORCID:0000-0003-0078-7280; ScopusID C-4375-2014; Google scholar
- >25 years of university teaching experience, including doctoral and master courses since 2007. Participant of 3 Educational Innovation Projects (1 as PI). Responsible of 4 FPIs 1 FPU, 1PEJ and 1 PTA.
- Supervisor of 7 PhD students (and academic tutor of other 8), since 2011. Currently, supervisor of 3 PhD students (and academic tutor of other 10). Regular membership in doctoral thesis committees (32 since 2004).
- Nº publications: 135 (110 articles + 20 book chapters + 5 invited articles); > 3500 citacions; (Q1: 88%; D1: 73%). H-index: 34 (Jan 2022).
- 6 patents.
- > 300 contributions to international conferences: 40 Invited, 130 Oral, 144 Poster
- Participation in about 46 scientific projects (22 as PI) funded by the Spanish Government (20, 12 as PI), Regional Government of Madrid (6, 4 as PI), EU (10, 4 as PI), Companies (7, 2 as PI), and other agencies (4 in France).
- PI of the project “A Soft x-ray beamline for Polarization dependent Spectroscopies and Microscopes”, presented at SAC and approved at the Spanish synchrotron ALBA. > 80 synchrotron experiments (~40% as PI).
- Member of Review Committees in the Hard Condensed Matter-Electronic and Magnetic Properties area: ESRF (2007-2012), Alba (2015-2017), and Soleil (2017- )
- Regular reviewer at Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP) since 2011 within the area Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Referee of ACS, Wiley-VCH, RSC, IOP, AIP, APS, Elsevier