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Master's Degree in Electrochemistry.Science and Technology

Máster en Electroquímica Ciencia y Tecnología

Master´s degree in "Electrochemistry. Science and Technology" join title of the universities Autonomous of Barcelona, Autonomous of Madrid, Alicante, Barcelona, Burgos, Cordoba, Murcia, Valencia (Estudi General) and Tecnical University of Cartagena, providing the basis for the development of research activities in the conduct of a doctoral thesis and trained to carry out R&D in technology centers and industrial sector companies in need of Electrochemistry.


The main objectives of the Master are:

1. Strengthen and encourage scientific and technological research in electrochemistry.
2. Provide graduate students training in basic and applied aspects in the field of electrochemistry.
3. Providing access to a doctoral program as recent changes with sufficient guarantees of basic and applied training in the field of electrochemistry for the student to develop his career in research, in industry or in teaching.
4. Promote mobility and interaction among students of the Master in the field of electrochemistry and contact with other universities, research centers and companies active in the área.

The teaching of the Master in “Electrochemistry. Science and  Technology” (60créditos) are structured in three modules

1) Compulsori core module (30 ECTS)

     - Fundamentals of  Engineering (10 ECTS)
     - Technological Applications of Electrochesmitry (10 ECTS)
     - Basic Experimental Electrochemistry (10 ECTS)

2) Module of specialization (15 ECTS)

Students must take the matter Required

     - Advanced Experimental Electrochemistry (5 ECTS)
     - Electives (10 ECTS)

and must choose 10 crédits from the three subjects offered in the  Máster of “Energy and fuels for the Future”

     - Hydrogen. production, stockpiling and use (6ECTS)
     - Photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical conversion(5 ECTS)
     - Accumulation of energy and fuel cells (6 ECTS)

3) The third module consists of matter Dissertation (15 ECTS)

Can be accomplished in one of the research groups attached to the master, or any group of Master's degree in "Electrochemistry. Science and Technology " joint title of the universities Autonomous of Barcelona, Autonomous of Madrid, Alicante, Barcelona, Burgos, Cordoba, Murcia, Valencia (Estudi General) and Tecnical University of Cartagena, providing the basis for the development of research activities in the conduct of a doctoral thesis and trained to carry out R & D in technology centers and industrial sector companies in need of Electrochemistry.or a public research organization in the field of electrochemistry.

Master Development

In the first semester subjects include essential module at the University of Alicante intensively for six weeks.

The module of specialization and Dissertation at the University will develop the studdent chooses to enroll.


Student profile



This Master´s program is aimed at graduates or graduate degree in Science and Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Materials Engineering, etc., who wish to train as researchers and specialists in the fiedl of electrochemistry, both in its foundations and in their applications.  

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información y Conserjería: 91 497 43 31 E-mail:  informacion.ciencias@uam.es
Gestión de estudiantes de Grado y Posgrado: 91 497 8264 / 4329 / 4353 / 4349 / 6879 / 8362 E-mail:  administracion.ciencias@uam.es