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Seminar: "Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) and our contributions to the topic: stress and nanoscale studies"

Lithium ion batteries-img
Celia Polop
Institution of Origin
Condended Matter Physics Department
Seminar room C03, fifth floor

The EU has set the highly ambitious target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55 by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Batteries are a key element in the transition to a sustainable future. Emerging battery technologies will be greener, more powerful, intrinsically safe, and based on non critical and abundant materials. A knowledge based approach can drastically reduce the duration of development process and thus make battery development more efficient. This focus, however, requires in depth understanding of the complex electro-chemo-mechanical material properties and processes of the battery operation.

I'll start the talk introducing the basic concepts and describe the progresses in the LIB field. In the second part of the talk, I will present our contributions to the state of the art of the LIBs concerning the influence of mechanical stresses on Li storage and transport mechanisms; and their potential effects on the generation of mechanical failures in solid state batteries. These results are based on our previous experience in the growth and surface and stress engineering. The work is being developed within the framework of the StressLIC European Consortium (M. Era.Net 2018) and its continuation SOLIMEC (M.Era.Net 2021), and the national NanoCatCom project (PID 2021), the three coordinated by C. Polop. New academic initiatives are being developed by us: SummerLIB “International Summer School on Fundamentals, Materials and Applications of LIBs”

Salagre et al., A multi technique approach to understanding delithiation damage in LiCoO2 thin films, Scientific Reports (2021) Fuller et al., Imaging Phase Segregation in Nanoscale LixCoO2 Single Particles, ACS Nano (2022)


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(Seminar room C03, fifth floor )

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