TLF. 91 497 .... |
President |
D. Manuel Chicharro Santamaría |
Dean |
Decanato |
5235 |
Secretary (Planning and Quality Vice-dean Coordinator) |
D.ª Alicia Polo Díez |
Quality and Educational Innovation Vice-dean |
Decanato |
8427 |
Professors Drs. with permanent appointment |
D. Ismanuel Rabadán Romero |
Chemistry Department |
Módulo 13 |
3851 |
D.ª Carmen M.ª Casado Santana |
Inorganic Chemistry Department |
Módulo 07 |
4850 |
D. Alejandro Fco. Braña de Cal |
Applied Physics Department |
Módulo 12 |
4923 |
D. Manuel Juan Macía Barco |
Biology Department |
Edif. Biología |
8107 |
Non-doctoral professors with permanent appointment and non-permanent teaching and research staff |
D.ª Beatriz Gómez Nieto |
Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis Department |
Módulo 16 |
8973 |
Teaching and Research Training Staff |
D.ª M.ª de las Nieves Candelas González |
Biology Department |
Edif. Biología |
2820 |
Students |
D. Héctor Molero Gavilán |
Construye UAM-Ciencias |
D. César Pagán Pernas |
Construye UAM-Ciencias |
Technical, Management and Administration and Services Staff |
D. Tomás Vallés Vila |
Applied Physics Department |
Módulo 12 |
4915 |
Social Counsel |
D. Eduardo Sicilia Cavanillas (Presidente) |
Social Counsel |
Rectorado |
D.ª Irene Delgado Sotillos |
Social Counsel |
Rectorado |
Internal Quality Assurence Office |
D.ª Elena Acosta García |
Internal Quality Assurence Office |
Módulo 10 |
6874 |
Degree Subcommittee: |
Common members + Dregree Coordinators |
Master Subcommittee: |
Common members + 1 Master Coordinators |
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información y Conserjería: 91 497 43 31 E-mail: Gestión de estudiantes de Grado y Posgrado: 91 497 8264 / 4329 / 4353 / 4349 / 6879 / 8362 E-mail: