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Miriam Jaafar has been awarded the Special Mention in the Awards for the Best Invention Protected by Industrial Property

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Miriam Jaafar has been awarded with the Special Mention in the patent category of a woman inventor for her patent ES2711860: System for an atomic force microscope in the first edition of the Awards for the Best Invention Protected by Industrial Property granted in 2020 by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A., (OEPM). In this patent, in addition to Miriam, Pablo Ares and Julio Gómez – Herrero from the Department of Condensed Matter Physics (UAM-IFIMAC), Agustina Asenjo from ICMM-CSIC, Jose Maria de Teresa, Javier Pablo Navarro and Cesar Magén from INA-Unizar and ARAID Foundation are co-inventors. The goal of these awards is to support Spanish R&D protected and competitively positioned in the market and to promote research and technological activity with an innovative character.

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