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Alvarez Carrera José Vicente

Alvarez Carrera, José Vicente

Faculty Member
+34 91 497 3805
Resume CV
  • Researcher ID / ORCID code

H-4696-2015 / 0000-0001-5178-4309


  • SIESTA y su interoperabilidad para los nuevos retos en simulaciones atómicas. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid   01/01/2020   
  • SIESTA y la teoría de inestabilidades y transporte en materiales funcionales y de baja dimensionalidad, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 01/01/2016   
  • Simulaciones Atomisticas de Primeros Principios: Metodologia y Aplicaciones en Sistemas Complejos, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 01/01/2013   
  • Desarrollo y Aplicacion de Metodos eficientes de simulacion Mecanocuantica: Pnicturos Superconductores, Hidratos de Metano e Hilos Moleculares,Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 01/01/2010   
  • Simulaciones Mecanocuanticas y Microscopias de Proximidad en problemas actuales de Superficies, Materiales Complejos Biomoleculas y Estructuras, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 01/10/2006   
  • Collective Quantum States in electronically one-dimensional transition metals, Universitaet des Saarlandes
Lines of research
  • Condensed Matter Theory


  • Generalized elastodynamic model for nanophotonics PHYSICAL REVIEW B Scientific paper  28/09/2020   
  • Mechanical Analogue of a Majorana Bound State  ADVANCED MATERIALS
  • Scientific paper 04/11/2019               
  • TiS3 Transistors with Tailored Morphology and Electrical Properties ADVANCED MATERIALS
  • Isolation and characterization of few-layer black phosphorus 2D MATERIALS Scientific paper  01/09/2014
  • Intrinsic electrical conductivity of nanostructured metal-organic polymer chains NATURE COMMUNICATIONS Scientific paper 01/04/2013   
  • Quantum Critical Scaling in the Single-Particle Spectrum of a Novel Anisotropic Metal PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS                                                  
  • Superconductivity and magnetic order in CeRhIn5: Spectra of coexistence PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Scientific paper 23/03/2007   
  • New Luttinger-liquid physics from photoemission on Li0.9Mo6O17 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS                                            
  • Dilution-controlled quantum criticality in rare-earth nickelates PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
  • Insulating, superconducting, and large-compressibility phases in nanotube ropes PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Scientific paper 15/08/2003   
  • Anomalous thermal conductivity of frustrated Heisenberg spin chains and ladders PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Scientific paper 07/10/2002               
  • Low-temperature transport in Heisenberg chains PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Scientific paper 18/02/2002
  • Modeling the electronic behavior of gamma-LiV2O5: A microscopic study PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Scientific paper 04/06/2001

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