Activities of interest
The aforementioned agreements allow for the mobility of students and professors between UAM and UCM, as well as La Sapienza University in Rome, Salento University in Lecce, and Hamburg and Münster Universities.
In each semester, a Mobility and Teaching Seminar is conducted, providing MIHCA students the opportunity to meet some of the most prominent specialists in Europe in each of the master's specialties.
Placements for curricular internships
The completion of the Practicum provides students with direct, specialized, and advanced knowledge of various materials and types of documentary and heritage sources, as well as methodological applications, through which the cultural legacy of the ancient world is expressed, analyzed, preserved, and transmitted.
The main objective of the Practicum is for students to deepen their skills in handling, classifying, cataloging, analyzing, and historically understanding both written sources (literary texts, manuscripts, epigraphic documents) and archaeological documentation and material remains, with special attention to their conservation and edition.
Students can carry out the Practicum at the following collaborating institutions and venues:
- Epigraphic Archive of Hispania (UCM).
- Laboratory of Zooarchaeology, LAZ (Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, UAM).
- Laboratory of Populations of the Past, LPP (Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, UAM).
- Archaeology Service (Roman city of Complutum) of the City Council of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
- Trébede Heritage and Culture.
- Desperta Ferro Publishing.
- Cerralbo Museum (Research and Collections Department).
- Latin writing workshop: books, documentation, and archives (ICCA-UAM)
Stays in research centers
The MIHCA has established collaboration and student and teacher mobility agreements with other European universities, such as those signed so far with La Sapienza University of Rome, Salento University of Lecce, Hamburg, and Münster.
Additionally, currently, the MIHCA is in negotiations to become part of the European Master in Classical Cultures (EMCC), a program that will allow MIHCA students to earn credits in the Master's in Ancient History from one of the eleven universities that make up this network (Münster, Innsbruck, Istanbul, Perugia, Poznan, Hamburg, Fribourg, Roma Tre, Cyprus, Athens, and Toulouse II-Le Mirail), and likewise, students from these universities can take MIHCA courses at UCM and UAM.