Admission step by step
In this section, we will explain step by step the process to apply and subsequently enrol in our master's degrees. You should check the deadlines in the link Deadlines and Academic Calendar to make sure you are within the admission period. There will be a second period, but only for those master's degrees that have not filled all their places.
It is recommended that you apply in the first admission period, as it is possible that the master's degree you are interested in will not be offered in the second period.
Choose your Master’s degree
At UAM you can choose from more than 80 official university master's degrees, so we encourage you to consult our offer from the link List of Official Master's Degrees.
If you are choosing between several options, bear in mind that by paying the administrative fee (€27.54), you can submit up to two applications of your choice. Remember to put them in order of priority as this may influence the coordinators' ranking. The first application you make is the one in which you have to pay the administrative fees. You will not be able to add the other option that you are interested in until you have paid the administrative fees.
Each master's degree requires specific profiles and training, so you should check these details to ensure that you match the recommended profile. On the other hand, there is some common documentation that you must provide for all the master's degrees and other specific documentation for some of them. You must ensure that you have all the documentation in electronic format and individual files. The maximum size of each file must not exceed 4 megabytes.
Only the following document formats are accepted: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, gif, txt, rtf, odt, png, jpeg.
The documentation that is common to all master's degrees is as follows:
- DNI / Passport.
- Résumé (CV). The vast majority of our master's degrees accept a free CV format, but some require a special format, which you should consult on the master's degree website.
- Academic transcript of records: this document contains, among other information, the list of subjects of your Bachelor's degree and the grades obtained in each of them. It is not necessary for the transcript to be issued by the administration of the centre; the document that you can download from the digital platform of the university where you studied will suffice.
- Certificate of the average grade of the subjects taken so far on a numerical scale from 0 to 10. Like the transcript of records, it is not necessary for the certificate to be issued by the administration of the centre and the document that you can download from the digital platform will suffice. Many transcripts include at the end of them the average grade obtained so far on a numerical scale from 0 to 10, so if this is your case, it would not be necessary for you to provide this document. If the average grade is specified in the academic transcript, it is not necessary to provide this certificate.
If any Spanish students cannot obtain the average mark on a scale of 0 to 10 from their university of origin, the equivalence detailed in the document in the download area (Tabla Equivalencia Escalas) will be applied, provided that the average grade is indicated in the academic transcript of records on a scale of 0 to 4.
For students who have completed their studies at universities outside Spain, the equivalence of the average mark must be provided through the platform of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. We provide you with the email address so that you can consult any doubts that may arise when using this platform: notamedia.uni@universidades.gob.es
- Access Degree: If you have completed your studies at the time of applying for admission to the master's degree.
In addition to these documents, you should consult the master's own page in case you require any other particular document such as itineraries, letters of recommendation, or language level certificates (check the downloads area to find out the officially accepted language certificates).
According to the law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations in its article 28, the applicant is responsible for the veracity of the documents submitted. In the event of doubts arising from the copy/s, a reasoned request may be made for a comparison of the copy/s provided by the interested party, requiring them to show the original document or information. False documentation will result in the cancellation of the registration without the right to a refund of the corresponding fees.
You should bear in mind that the studies required for access to the master's degree are the Bachelor's Degree, and therefore, the average grade to be taken into account is the one obtained in this study. If you already have a master's degree and/or doctorate, you can attach them in the "complementary documentation" section of the application form so that they can be assessed by the coordination of the master's degree to which you wish to access.
Get your username
Once you have gathered the documentation in digital format (only the following document formats are accepted: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, gif, txt, rtf, odt, png, jpeg), the next step is to register in our system.
- If you are not a UAM student, you can obtain your username and password by registering as a user here. If you have already registered, but you do not remember your username and password, you can recover them here. In the download area you will find a manual to fill in the user data (Instructions for completing personal details).
- If you are a UAM student, you must use your passwords to apply for admission and if you do not remember them, you can recover them here.
- If you have been a UAM student, you will need your USER ID (NIA) and PASSWORD, which you can get by clicking here.
These passwords will be useful to check your application at any time of the process and finally to enrol, so we recommend you to have them at hand.
Make your application
- If you are a former student of the UAM you can apply here
- If you are a new student you can apply here
- If you are already a UAM student, you can apply here
Remember that in order for your application to be processed you must pay the administrative fee of 27,54€ for management costs. Once the fee has been paid, the application will change from "TEMPORARY APPLICATION" to "APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY STUDENT". You should be aware that the amount paid will not be refunded if you are not admitted or if you decline the application, or if you have been admitted but do not enrol.
This amount will be deducted from the enrolment fee once you formalise your enrolment.
In the download area you will find the "Instructions for Master’s degree applications", which you should consult before applying.
As you can make up to two applications, remember to assign the correct preference to each of them, as you will only be able to enrol in the application you are admitted with the highest priority. If at any time before enrolment you change your mind, you can let us know at posgrado.oficial@uam.es and we will change the preferences in your applications.
Phases that your application will go through
The application initially has the status of "TEMPORARY APPLICATION" and once the fee of 27,54€ has been paid, it will be registered in our system showing the status of "APPLIED SUBMITTED BY STUDENT". It will then be reviewed by the administrative staff of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies to check that you have included all the required documentation. If so, the application will go to "VALIDATED BY ADMINISTRATION" status. If the application needs any correction, the status will be "INCOMPLETE APPLICATION" and we will inform you by e-mail which document you must correct in order to continue processing it.
WARNING: You should check the spam folder of your email, as sometimes communications from the official UAM account are received in this folder.
Once validated, your application will be evaluated by the Master's Coordination. This step is not automatic as the coordinators have the deadlines described in the academic calendars to evaluate the applications they receive.
You should know that:
- Each application will be processed independently and, therefore, admission to one of them will not stop the course of the others. The applications will be processed individually from the beginning to the end of the process and you will have the evaluation of all of them within the corresponding deadline.
- You can check the status of your application in our academic management system (SIGMA) at any time without having to wait to be informed by email.
After the evaluation you will be informed by email of the resolution of your application (remember to check the SPAM folder of your email).
If you have been accepted
At this moment you will find yourself in one of the following situations (you should check the SPAM folder of your email, as sometimes the communication may have entered there):
- Student with completed access studies: you will receive an email with the definitive admission letter and the deadline for self-enrolment.
- Student without previous studies completed: you will receive an email notifying you of your conditional admission along with a document (conditional enrolment conditions commitment) that you must return to us with date and signature. Except for students admitted to the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachillerato.
Once we have received it, if it is correctly completed and signed, we will send you a second notification informing you that you are authorised to self-enrol conditionally and the links to do so.
For your enrolment to become definitive, once you have completed your degree, you must send us, by email to posgrado.oficial@uam.es, the supplementary certificate of the degree or proof of having requested and paid the fees for issuing it (within the period indicated in the conditional enrolment conditions document).
If you are a non-EU student, you must provide the duly legalized access title. If you have completed your studies when you apply online, you must provide your degree. If at that moment you do not have it duly legalised, you will be given a period of time to submit it with the legalisation if you are admitted. You must pay close attention to the Legalisation section so that you can provide the correct documentation within the deadline.
The UAM is obliged to check the veracity of your Bachelor's degree or equivalent, so if it is not possible to verify it electronically, we will give you instructions in due course so that we can complete this procedure.
Consult the section Enrolment step by step
If you are entitled to an allowance for passing with honors, or if you are a member of a large family, or if you have a disability certificate or any other situation that entitles you to a total or partial exemption from administrative fees, before enrolling, you should contact the administration of the faculty/school where the master's degree is taught. They will tell you how to provide them with accreditation of this condition so that you can apply for the corresponding benefits before enrolling.
The documents, proof or accreditation of Large Family or disability must be issued by an official Spanish entity.
From this point onwards, the Administrations/Secretariats of the faculties/schools will help you with any incidents you may encounter during the enrolment process and so on.