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Departamento de Biología

Seminario del 15 de septiembre de 2023

Ponente: Antoine Adde, investigador postdoctoral de la Universidad de Lausanne, Suiza.

Título: Standards for species distribution models

Día: 15 de septiembre (viernes) a las 12:00. Aula 112, Edificio de Biología. Se podrá seguir también en el siguiente enlace de Teams

Seminario Antoine Adde.
Seminario Antoine Adde, investigador postdoctoral de la Universidad de Lausanne, Suiza.

Species distribution models (SDMs) have become indispensable tools for predicting species and biodiversity responses to global changes. The blooming of SDM initiatives underscores the need for standardized guidelines on data input, model construction, and result reporting to help practitioners in assessing their suitability for biodiversity assessments. Although protocols and tools have emerged for SDM development and reporting, there's still a significant gap in mainstream adoption by the scientific community. This seminar aims to advance these emerging directions by presenting contributions on these standards across various aspects of SDM development, including cutting-edge modeling tools, reporting protocols, and applications.

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