IntroductionThe Environmental Science Degree are multidisciplinary and focused to train specialists qualified to analyse and solve environmental problems from a scientific view.
The Environmental Science training objectives at UAM can be summed up in:
-Training professionals with a multidisciplinary and global view of environmental problems, characterised by their ability to address it in a coherent and balanced way. Equally, they are qualified to coordinate and analyse specialists’ work in different areas.
-Provide an adequate training in scientific, technical, social, economical and legal aspects of environment, allowing treatment and resolution of real cases rigorously according to the social and economical environment.
-Facilitate the graduate specific guidance to the most demanded areas, summed up in the following: analysis, management and conservation of environment and natural resources; territorial planning; environmental management and quality in companies and administrations; environmental communication and education.
-Provide the necessary knowledge, techniques and tools for achieving the above-mentioned objectives rigorously with an open attitude and ethical commitment. And also for being able to learn independently throughout their working life.
This training is developed through teaching-learning procedures with a great practical component and framed in an ethical respect towards environment and fundamental human rights.
Professional Skills (pdf)
Faculty Situation
Support Services
Language Services
Tutorial Action Plan (PAT)
Transfer of Academic Records
Credit Recognition
Studies Adaptation from Licenciatura (previous to Bologna Plan) to Grado Undergraduate studies (Bologna Plan)
Teaching and Research Staff
Material Resources and Facilities
Syllabus 2014-15 Access
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